Movie Big Trend in Recent Days

Combined with all analysis above our team set up criteria to rank a movie’s popularity:
1. Top rating genres, top 10 genres out of 20: Drama, adventure, thriller, crime, action,
2. Country & genres with high award probability,
3. 20 cast with high movie box office gross and high movie rating, representing a big hit,
4. Movie title words and plot keywords with high appearance times.
(Supposing all data for this criteria are within recent two to three decades)

Over forty upcoming movies are grabbed from network data, and all was rated by 4 criteria above. The final top 10 as follows.

Ranking Movie Feature

Gold (2016)

1. High award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Popular genres
4. Great casting

La La Land (2016)

1. High award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Some good genres
4. Good casting

A Kind of Murder (2016)

1. Somewhat award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Fair genres
4. Fair casting


God Particle (2017)

1. Fair award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Popular genres
4. Fair casting

xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)

1. Somewhat award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Popular genres
4. Normal casting

Passengers (2016)

1. High award potential
2. Unpopular keywords
3. Popular genres
4. Great casting

American Made (2017)

1. Somewhat award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Fair genres
4. Fair casting 8

The Great Wall (2016)

1. Low award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Plenty of popular genres
4. Normal casting

John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

1. Somewhat award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Popular genres
4. Normal casting

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

1. Low award potential
2. Good keywords
3. Popular genres
4. Good casting
**All movie data for trend anticipation were retreived from IMDB.